Author: admin

Thin Spun Thread

Thin Spun Thread

Borne to Be Wild


Borne to Be Wild

I have to confess I name some of my house plants. Elspeth, the cyclamen, has shared my little bungalow for years.  I’m attached to Elspeth’s green and gorgeous self, having nursed her back from many a near-death experience, the most recent an attack of scaly parasites.  But domestic animals like cats? No thanks.  My allergies preclude familiarity.  And ok, ok, I’ll leash up a friend’s dog for a bounce along a breezy boulevard, but don’t expect any cute pet names. Dogs be dogs, cats be cats; rats be rats. In the words of an old polka, “I don’t want ‘em, you can have ‘em, they’re too tame for me.”

But wild things?  A completely different story.   If something pounces, plunges or prances, and can fetch its own supper, sign me up.

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An Old Dyke’s Tale

Chapter 1

Every cell in my body leans into her. She reaches for my hand over the flannel sheet. She never reaches for my hand. She kisses my fingers.  She cries.  I’ve only seen her cry once in our 45 years and that was when our kitty Moshe died.   She asks.  Snow falls. The window clots with white.

I say yes. I promise.  “Abby, I will never tell the world what we are or were to each other.”

Yes, I can hear you, yes, yes, all of you who have lives that open and close like sheets on a windy line, who have secrets you hold dear, the rest of you displayed in bold print for the world to see.  Look at me, look at me, you’re saying.  I am Facebook; I am Twitter.  What are you?  What have you got to say for yourself?

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Jamaican Horse Tail

Jamaican Horse Tail

Jamaica. Beautiful Jamaica. This story could be about my niece’s destination wedding and the joy of riding a bicycle on the British side of the road through a resort with 54 swimming pools and 31 villas equipped with butlers, cooks, and housekeepers.  Or the story might be about our villa’s housekeeper who lost her husband 

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Another Modest Proposal

This piece was published in the Catholic Progressive in April, 2012 after   Bishop Nienstadt launched a media campaign to block the right of gay people to marry.  Since then, the bishop has been deposed and sent into exile.

Another Modest Proposal (thanks to  Jonathan Swift)

Given the heat that’s been generated on both sides of the upcoming amendment on gay marriage, it’s time to

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Trek Down Under

Let’s get a move on.  Here’s a map for you.




We fly Qantas out of Dallas for Brisbane.  I’m happy for the aisle seat in row 55 and the great meals; it’s a long flight, about 16 hours of Tom Hanks and Blue Jasmine and Oprah’s Butler.  I’m slightly anxious, but snug in my crushable down-sweater.  An Australian guy

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Portrait: Ralph and Mary

Although this piece has aged a bit, it speaks to me on a new level as I try to sort through my own accumulated clutter and remember Mary’s struggle to determine what to keep and what to let go.

Portrait:  Ralph and Mary—- published in The Seattle Weekly

Drawing by Judy Connor

Drawing by Judy Connor

It’s not that I’m not a supporter of the arts.  Believe me, some of my best friends work for museums.

And I’m glad for the bold move of putting the Seattle Art Museum downtown—for a building that will make art more accessible to the masses, will

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A Streetwalker’s Guide to Wealth

A Street Walker’s Guide to Wealth 

It’s true that all that glisters is not gold, but the streets in the Twin Cities present the brave walker with multiple opportunities to strike it rich. I am not talking about nefarious activities in the middle of the night. But I am asking the reader to lower her eyes and take a good look in the gutter.

First of all, do realize there are pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars, 5-spots, sawbucks, and 20’s all out there for the taking. Yes, generations of

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