Category: Seeing-Eye Blogs

Another Modest Proposal

This piece was published in the Catholic Progressive in April, 2012 after   Bishop Nienstadt launched a media campaign to block the right of gay people to marry.  Since then, the bishop has been deposed and sent into exile.

Another Modest Proposal (thanks to  Jonathan Swift)

Given the heat that’s been generated on both sides of the upcoming amendment on gay marriage, it’s time to

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A Streetwalker’s Guide to Wealth

A Street Walker’s Guide to Wealth 

It’s true that all that glisters is not gold, but the streets in the Twin Cities present the brave walker with multiple opportunities to strike it rich. I am not talking about nefarious activities in the middle of the night. But I am asking the reader to lower her eyes and take a good look in the gutter.

First of all, do realize there are pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars, 5-spots, sawbucks, and 20’s all out there for the taking. Yes, generations of

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